Party n Paint in the Community

“It’s about Community. It’s about bringing people together. It’s about creativity and service. It’s about making the community in which we live a really great place to live” Andy Stoll Creativity is a useful tool which we believe is under used. Part of our mission is to extend the benefits of what we do to the community. Below are just some of the work we do!



School Workshops

We regularly run workshops in collaboration with after school and holiday clubs. Children enjoy this using this platform to get creative.

Mental Health Workshops

Party n Paint understand the importance of Art Therapy and our trained Artists provide step step guidance in demonstrating how we can be expressive through art. We provide a safe and calm environment so attendees feel relaxed.


We love running our young people workshops. Providing an alternative outlet for creativity and freestyle our workshops encourage expression. These workshops are run with a DJ or playlist to have our attendees swaying as they paint!

Youth Workshops

Similar to our Mental Health workshops, we practise Art Therapy. We encourage our attendees to freestyle their interpretation of a particular theme.

Who we’ve worked with

We were proud to work with the Princes’ Trust in February 2019, where we ran a couple workshops for a group of young adults. We encouraged producing collaborative and individual masterpieces.

Talk to us

Party n Paint are extremely supportive of Community incentives/projects. Please do get in touch if you would like us to run a workshop.